Our Blog

Top 8 Ways to Make Clients Think of You First
Top 8 Ways to Make Clients Think of You First
One of the best compliments a client can pay you is to let you know that as soon as something happened, whether a good or...
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From the Desk of…
From the Desk of…
Sometimes your desk is a home away from home, your little island during the workday. It makes sense that your desk has those things on...
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Roots and Celebrations: Women’s History Month
Roots and Celebrations: Women’s History Month
As a proudly woman-owned and woman-led firm, EFA has a close relationship with Women’s History Month, and we believe strongly in empowering women in the...
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Holiday Aftermath and Beyond
Holiday Aftermath and Beyond
Once all the holiday decorations are taken down and put away in the office, the spot where the Christmas tree stood in the entryway seems...
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Practicing Gratitude in the Workplace
Practicing Gratitude in the Workplace
We often associate November with thanks (for obvious turkey-related reasons), but January is the start of the year and a great time to begin a...
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EFA Holiday Family Traditions
EFA Holiday Family Traditions
No matter where you celebrate or with whom, there are always unique personal traditions that accompany any holiday. This month, we wanted to share a...
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The Fierce Competition of the Office Potluck
The Fierce Competition of the Office Potluck
There are few social rituals as complex or as American as the potluck. While I had thought that the potluck, as a dining form, was...
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Autumn Means Trails: Beginner Hiking Tips
Autumn Means Trails: Beginner Hiking Tips
When the weather starts to turn chillier, it’s difficult to give up all the outdoors activities that are enjoyed throughout the summer. But beaches and...
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Flexible Working and What That Means to You
Flexible Working and What That Means to You
One of the most lasting effects of 2020 across all industries was the move for many employees to a work-from-home arrangement. With the introduction of...
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This Is Where I Leave You: How to Let Your Clients Know You’re Retiring
This Is Where I Leave You: How to Let Your Clients Know You’re Retiring
Settling on the right time for retirement after a long career is a big decision. It’s an even bigger decision when you’re a financial advisor...
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Summertime Client Engagement
Summertime Client Engagement
With the country opening up for the summer and families returning to vacations and sports and the things that kept everyone so busy before, it...
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How’s That Pandemic Work-Life Balance?
How’s That Pandemic Work-Life Balance?
Working from home during the pandemic has taught self-employed financial professionals many things. While those who are entrepreneurs have largely adapted already to working outside...
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